Sun Xiangchen on Qinqin: Between the Same and the Other | Tianxia III 2022
Sun Xiangcheng is Professor and Dean in the School of Philosophy and Director of the Center of General Education at Fudan University, Shanghai. In this presentation, he argues that the Chinese thought tradition reveals another aspects of the human existential structure that is different from the Western philosophical tradition and the Jewish thought heritage. Western philosophy, based on its own language and thought tradition, has constructed a path from ontology to subjectivity; E. Levinas made a sharp criticism of this tradition, thinking that beyond this kind philosophy of "the same" and "totality", hegemony and violence are implied, and he puts forward his transcending ontology and the subjectivity for the other. However, Levinas's argument still has a strong sense of strangeness and sacredness to the non-Western traditional civilization. Based on its own traditions, the Chinese world has revealed the theory of Perpetual Growth and Change, which is different from Western ontology and Jewish transcendence, and put forward the theory of qinqin "Kinship Affection", in a way different from Eros, Philia, Agape. In the path of this kind of existential structure, a "warm world" in which people live is constructed with "kindness" as the starting point and by the way of "the path is not far from man".